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Free Trial
- Publication:
- Berrien Springs Erai
- Location:
- Berrien Springs, Michigan
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- Page:
- 4
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ICASTORIAI for Infants and Children Castor la Issovrell adapt! to children that I recommend it as siqkxior to any pres L7pt ion known to IL Anon er 111 Sa Oxford St Brooklyn Cujstoria cures Colic Constipation Sour Stomach PiarrlKva Eructation Kills Worms giws sleep and pnnnGtos di gostiun Without injurious medication use of is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of to endorse it ew are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria ithin easy Caklos JLurrrx New York City several years I Ixava rocommcml! Castoria' an shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced iKiicfleial Edwin Pardee 125th Street and 7th Ave New York City The Company 77 Mrnnvr Street New York Crrv AN IDYL THE ARM' The bud Is slowly sinkin the a gold en way As I trudge on with the others at the of the day While the river is reflectin' with a glorious the cows is coinin' home lean hear the merry clatter the pails then The laugh Lizzie I leave the other men Ex I cut across the clover sounds that joyous peal An' the cows Is coinin' home Lizzie stands with arms akimbo stool and bucket nigh Like a picture an' she knows sort sassy sort shy Busy gazin' the mcJder hezn time to catch my 'Cause the cows is cornin' home I leap the burs reach her side but tlll she doesn't turn Though on her half averted cheek 1 see the blushes burn: An a thrillin' little tremble of her shoulders I discern While the cows Is home then the Jersey leadin' ambles through the barnyard gate Lizzie wheels with smilin' lips my gloom to dissipate that I bend an' kiss her there is hardly need to state or the cows had all come hom*o ree Press A DIMINISHED SEVENTH BY Et GEXE WOOD She was the young ost but one of a family of eight Physically her lile was and could be nothing save oue long crucifixion Crippled and de formed there stretched behind her a record of suffering: before her the prospect of greater torture still Ma ture had used her cruelly for while her puny and misshapen frame in spired ridicule or at best shu idering pity she had been dowered with a capacity for affection that burnt itself into fiercer intensity waiting the love that never came Misunderstood she had gradually retreated into a little world of her own with nothing to love Nothing? There was her violin but that could hardly be considered apart from Ida's own individuality It was her violin that expressed more elo quently than herself could ever have done the loneliness ami the loveless ness of her life How many heart conceived tragedies ha i throbbed harmlessly away upon its vibrating strings! How delirious day dreams had groped their way from her inner eonseiousne ss into exhilarating life through that medium which faith fully interpreted all her varying moods! "It speaks for me" she once con fessed to tiic old doctor who un ler stood her better tlnn anyone else'What other people feel they can ex plain in words: but I seem to have no power of expression except through wy violin" Dr Marshall was silent for a mo ment: then he asked presently: "Did you ever hear my boy Austin play?" Ida shook her head She had heard no one Her morbid consciousness of infirmities prevented her from attend ing any public concert and Austin Marshall as she well knew was a pro fessional violinist of repute ought to hear him They tell me his execution is remarkably good and besides geniuses lilx you two ought to know each other tell you what I ll do" he added kindly: bring him round one evening to see you if you like when he isn't busy" Not many days elapsed ere the doc tor kept his promis' and Austin Mar shell tall and strong held the small wasted hand of the diminutive musi cian and wondered the while how the perfect soul his father had described had managed to find itself in that mis shapen little body And later on when Ida had completely astounded him with her rendering of Dvorak's wild intense and heart breaking be told himself that such a thing was monstrous Here was an untutored genius beside whom him self would pale into comparative insig nificance doomed by nature to perpet ual solitude while Orpheus like she ought by her music to charm into life the rocks and trees want some lessons to correct a few technical errors" he said at last then you ought to be able to hold your own at Queen's hall or St James' with the best of them If I could be lieve in the transmigration of souls I would swear the lost soul of some re pentant sinner is imprisoned in your He spoke with the generous enthusi asm of genius mere talent is sparing of praise and begrudges success can never play lu she an swered briefly with a painful flush that testified to her sensitive recogni tion of physical defects on a public platform! Why they'd never see interpolated a jovial elder brother with the brutal candor admiring friends had sometimes mis taken for frank genialitv call her the Diminished Seventh" ha added with a conscious smile that betrayed the originator of the questionable pleasantry Door Diminished Seventh: She winced as from a blow ami Austin with the intention of covering her vm fu' ion observed with ready tact: "1 suppose because the minor har monies are most perfect a nd least un derstood The retort was so sudden and so un expected that for once the wag of the fanjily was left speechless and not quite certain whether mjj disguised slur on himself iia I not been subtly in troduced while Ida feeling vaguely that those few words had sealed a com pact of eternal friendship between Austin Marshall an herself took up her violin again and ished into a wild and characteristic Hungarian air I whose reckless jubilance was shadowed by an underlying vein of sadness And when at last the music was all over she crept to her room upstairs mar velling that the lloo of Life with its multitudinous possibilities ha I never before been opened to her at the en chanting page of friendship That evening was but the forerunner of many similar caree a day passed without Austin Marshall contriving to spend some time with the deformed musician And as the days lapsed into weeks and the weeks into months it was noted that when Ida played alone her airs were more roman tic than be fore And even her unmusical family became infected with their gayety: her mother (who frequently alleged she could enjoy good music as much as anyone if she eould only get it) was chef red to the verge of joyful anticipa I lion or who knew tJiat Ida might not attain the supreme height of in spiring danee music such as her mother loved and abandon forever those ghoulish wails she said were classical But when the old doctor noticed the change lie shook his head in apprehen sion while tears of pity filled his eyes His profession had trained him to read the longings of the heart as well as tile infirmities of the tenement it inhabited and if all he thought ami dreaded were true Had things been dirt'er ent! if Ida had not been distinctly isolated by nature from the sweetest gifts that life can hold! And one evening came the crisis the good doctor feared shall miss all this dreadfully when I'm away" Austin said as he turned over a pile of music for a particular duet "I'm going north in a day or two you didn't 1 tell you?" he added answering the unspoken ques tion autumn when 1 am back again" he said presently feeling vaguely that something was wrong shall have some more pleasant evenings together I hope" Ida spake not or a moment she was conscious of naught save a terri ble sense of absolute despair and a cu rious buzzing in head like the re peated twanging of the (1 string Going away and until the autumn! Why by that time she might be dead and buried She looked round vacant ly as one gropes blindly in the dark for some familiar object She tried to speak but the words refused come Something like a dry sob rose and was strangled in her throat Then with out a single word she took up her bow again and drew it softly across the vibrating strings Austin looked up in momentarj surprise Thon he sat spellbound while she played the weird of Svendsen's once heard never forgotten He had heard it played by more than one finished musician but this was a different rendering It was like the despairing cry of a lusty swimmer failing close to shore or the wail of a lost soul striving to escape from thesea of torture and driven by a host of fallen angels In those strains he read her heart plainly as though speech had passed between them he knew the bitterness of her life he saw the vista gray and barren before her and when the last notes died away he learnt in a brief glance from Ida's eyes all the strange discords had not confessed It was but for an instant or in the next overcome by the strung ex citement she had just experienced the bow slid helplessly from her nerveless fingers and she fainted Symptoms of little moment in an ordinary person might in her case prog nosticate the worst and any new phase however slight was at once submitted to medical opinion In the present in stance as she failed to respond readily to the oust mary treatm ii Austin hastened fer his father while she was carried to her room Site had over ex cited herself with her music was the general explanation of the seizure and this was what the doctor was told when he answered the hasty summons In a brief space however she yielded to hi restoratives and he left the house she had dropped into a sleep quiet and natural What is an Emulsion? Milk is a true Emulsion and as milk or cream is easier to digest and assimilate than butter so is the milk or cream of Cod liver Oil easier to digest and as similate than raw Oil This is why Emulsion is much more useful and effective than the natural Oil why it accomplishes so much in arresting waste and building up the body But it is much more than ordinary fat food It has other constituents that have wonderful healing and strengthening power and in addition we add the Hypo phosphites (or Phosphorus) another most important element in overcoming decreased vitality or loss of flesh These are the reasons why Scott's Emulsion is benefiting to day hundreds of thousands of consump tives and anaemic persons aa well as being a food and remedy for sickly wasting children that is surprising both to physicians and parents Scott Bowne New York All Druggists 50c and $1 or some time father and sou wont homeward in silence Then the doctor asked abruptlv: "Does Iia know you are going told her this Austin an swered and in some coirius on as he re called the way rine had received the ews la do von know 'Ah fiucoo Is 1' it said the old iiian speakimr to him Do i know I that i I'm afraid that Ida He slonpe 1 short for the confession was alike tender and hnnnHuting Hut his father who bail fmretl such a coni itig'ciiey well nigh 1nnn the first midersLoo 1 what hud been left un aid "1 know Austin 1 know But what is to lie friendship that you have fell for her that she believes she ha felt for you has been the one bright spt in her life Seventeen years ol I and seventeen years of per petual martyrdom Bo you knowhow ng I give her to "1 suppose that when she is twenty one Austin began but the doctor cut him short 'Mf she lives to see the he said gravely shall be The young man was startled even shocked There was silence between them for a few moments Then the doctor said with hesitation: I suppose you would not think of putting off your visit to the Harrisons? 1 knew Marian expects but 1 think if she knew the pleas ure you would be giving that poor chill wh davs arc nuuilered she would be the firt to bid you stay In a case like this there can be no ques tion of disloyalty to her And Austin if yon can for 1 leu sake let her still believe that she has found the af fection she has craved all her life The deception be very long and it will comfort her more in her last struggles than the entire college of could hope to do with all the science that the world has ever ive weeks later in bcdrouina thin ribbon of spring sunshine had struggled through a crevice of the window blind and lay a bright streak aercss the Hour Outside the garden was cheerful with the sung of birds and the rustling of leaves Inside sat the little cripple propped up with pil lows her pitiful vitality burning itself slowly away bhe knew she was dying' but the knowledge brought her no fear Per haps she believed that if eternity held for her worse torture than she had yet endured she had served on earth an apprenticeship to pain long enough to fit her for it Perhaps Austin Mar companionship and sympathy iluring the last few weeks ere mailing the cud comparatively easy At any rati1 when (he door was opened quiet ly and he looked in violin in hand she greeted him with a grateful smile "Like to have some he asked cheerfully though he was pained io mark each day how her hold on life was weakening "What shall I "(rive me she said suddenly we'll 'rh violin lay as usual on the table close by but Austin hesitated yun really feel equal to the ex he began and then answer ing the command in her eyes he passed it to her without another worth With tremulous lingers she drew her how across the strings and recog nizing in the opening notes her favor ite by Schubert Austin softly followed and in a moment was so ab sorbed he scarce noticed how her bow ing became gradually weaker until it faltered and stopped just before the concluding bars He looked up in sud den apprehension her face had not worn that strange gray' shadow just before? "Ida!" She did not move "Ida! What is the matter what is it?" She opened her eyes but they fell on him without a gleam of recognition 'Then site dropped them on the violin she was still holding A faint smile rested fora moment on her lips With an hand she mechanically raised her bow Then with one chord that of the diminished Seventh it dropped from her relaxing hold but not before Austin had involuntarily concluded the phrase so that the diminished Seventh was resolved into perfect harmony Black and White GENERAL INTEREST A large number of envelopes con taining circulars and posted with a cent stamp have been returned in New York because they were scaled It is claimed that the humidity of the at mosphere caused the flap to adhere to the envelope making first class matter of what was not so when sent A fist light in progress on the end of a wharf at Bar Harbor Me the other day was interrupted by the ap pearance of the police In their ef forts to escape both principals stum bled over obstructions and fell into the harbor They were fished out of the waler with all fighting fervor ashed out The ifth Monarchy men formed a religious sect that sprang up in the days of Charles I of England They were so called from the fact that they asserted that in the last days the four monarchies the Assyrian the Persian the Babylonian and the Ro man would be restored and to them would be added a Christian or fifth monarchy of which Christ would be king When leeches were kept in every chemist's shop and often in private houses their behavior was subject of constant observation and it was gen erally noticed that in still weather dry or wet they remained at the bot tom but rose often as much as twen ty four hours in advance before a change and in case of a thunderstorm rose very quickly to the surface de scending when it was past A citizen of Ravenna Mich missed many of his young chickens A por tion of his yard is low and marshy in which live spring water is constantly7 running The chick's delighted to wade in this place One one of them was seen to flutter apparently having one of its feet fast: upon investigation it was found that the leg of the chick was squarely in the mouth of a mud turtle lying concealed in the muck Cellulose a porous preparation prepared from coeoanut fibre has been found exceedingly useful in stopping leaks in ships A plug of it is thrust loosely' into a large hole and soon swells with moisture until it fits snug ly The idea originated abroad but an American has discovered that cellu lose can be made out of the pith of cornstalks The naval authorities have tested this latter variety of the product and find it efficacious It is just as easy to try One Minute Cough Cure as anything else I Hr easier to cure a severe cough or cold with it Let your next purchase for a cough be One Minute Cough Cure Better medi cine better results better try it Hemy Kephart Watson Co Eau Claire The Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others THAN Diafionds Good health is better than diamonds Health IQ lilt 1U UIUIMUC ll be taken without it It is Ua ninaf rrfT! tiq Inner HI the world and many people I are careless about it They neglect their little ailments I they ignore danger sig nals and run right onto the rocks of disease All diseases have i firoint hecrin nines Con sumption is but the fruit of neglected catarrh A slight cold develops into pneumonia or bron chitis? A little indigestion grows into The best way to cure a disease is to prevent it The next best way is to catch it before it de velops to its worst stage Dr Golden Medical Discovery is a medicine for the whole hotly It searches out the weak spots and builds them up It is iustrengthener a purifier and a cure It puts the digestive sys tem into an active healthy con dition purifies and enriches the blood and forces out all poisonous matter Taken in time it will cure 98 per cent of all cases of consumption It is a purely vege table compound that works in perfect harmony with nature It tones up the whole body and pro duces strong hard healthy flesh It has cured hundreds of cases of consumption bronchitis asthma chronic nasal catarrh and kindred maladies which had withstood the effect of every other medicine A large number of testimonials and photographs of those cured have been printed in the ical 1000 pages 300 il lustrations sent for twenty one Cents (in stamps) to cover post age and wrapping Dis pensary fiicaicai Association Buf falo IM I1J HOUSEHOLD BREVITIES Cherry Budding Mix throe table spoonfuls of Ilnur to a smooth paste with part of a pint of milk then add the balance: warin one ounce of butter and stir it in throe eggs well beaten and a pinch of salt Stew one pound of cherries and stir them into the batter Tie up in pudding cloth and boil two hours Serve with butter sauce Leeds Mercury Potted Lobster Take out the meat from the lobster without break ing season with mace nutmeg white pepper salt and cloves Put a little butter at the bottom of a pan and lay the lobster over it placing between the layers a few bay leaves cover with butter and bake in slow oven: when done strain lay in potting pans and add the seasoning When cold pour clarified butter over it Harper's Bazar Sardine Salad en Mayonnaise Well wash drain and break up a nice lettuce mince fine some spring onions rub a salad bowl wit a clove of garlic and lay in tiio lettuce and onions some sliced tomato and cucumber and then stir it all together with either a rench or a mayonnaise dressing garnish with hard boiled quartered eggs sonic wiped and boned sardines and a good sprinkling of vinegar arm and ireside Lobster Soup Lobster soup has an air of novelty about it but it is an old dish and easily made This is the way to do it: Take one boiled lobster weighing four pounds and cut the meat into small pieces Roll finely six crackers add one cup of butter salt and a little cayenne pepper To this add three pints of milk and one of water Stir in the chopped lobster boil two or three minutes and serve World Potage a la ulligatawney ry in one tablespoonful of butter one ta blespnonful of fine euL or chopped onion the same of raw smoked ham anil green pepper: cook five minutes: then add the fine cut breast of a young chicken two tablcspoonfuls of fine cut carrot the same of white turnip and leeks cook and stir five minutes season with one tablespoonful of salt one half teaspoonful of pepper one even teaspoonful of curry: cover with two quarts of chicken broth prepared from the remaining chicken add one half cupful of fine cut egg plant one half cupful of fine cut green apple one quarter cupful of well washed rice boil forty minutes add if neces sary more salt and serve In case the soup should be too thick add more broth Good Housekeeping Cream Puffs "We arc asked fnr a recipe for cream puffs like those sold by bakers The following we think will fill this want Boil together one cup water one half teaspoonful salt and one half cup of butter When boiling hot add one and a half cups pastry flour stir well for five minutes when cool add five eggs whites and yokes beaten separately This mix ture is rather stiff so that some prefer to mix with the hand the eggs may be added whole one at a time if desired When well mixed drop in tablespoon fuls on a buttered baking pan some distance apart Bake twenty to thirty minutes or till brown and well puffed Split when cool and fill with a cream made as follows: One pint of milk add two tablespoonfuls corn starch wet in cohl milk and boil ten minutes Add three eggs well beaten and three quarters of a cup of sugar Cook in a double boiler five minutes When cool add one saltspoonful salt flavor with almond lemon or vanilla House keeper THE MEANING STYLE An Indplinahle Something That Speaks for itself is a mysterious said an observant dame is one of the few desirable things that money can not buy A first class dressmaker may dress a woman artistically but she can not give her style Style does not mean variety of apparel it does not even mean richness of material These things are welcome additions to it but not essential The best dressmaker though she do her utmost and greatly improve the contour toning down a defect here and emphasizing a good point there cannot make the form the frame over It is in the poise of the head and shoulders the habit ual way of moving that the indescrib able of personal style lies se creted If tiie average woman of to day were asked what good gift she would choose as a boon from a fairy godmoth er provided she could have but one there is no doubt that she would on mature consideration select style Style cultivates youth and good looks It gives a woman an immense power of holding her own and carries off awk ward predicaments It makes its pos sessor in the long run often outshine a commonplace beauty no matter how ever plain she may be individually Style frequently renders a woman pre sentable in a shabby gown and is a gift tha holds good for rain or shine in hot or cold weather alike one that once possessed never deserts its pos sessor To analyze it completely is im possible one can only get a hint a suggestion of its inherent attributes here and there But one thing is cer tain to be well dressed and aware of it is decidedly not The funda mental principle of style is to wear an old gown with the air of a princess and to wear a new one as if you had for gotten its newness Philadelphia Mortgage sale default has been made in payment of amount due on a mort gage made by Lewis Nodine single man to Laura VV Ixdvher dated May 1st 1893 and re corded May 1393 in liber co of Mortgages page 57 in the 41ice of the Register of Heeds of Ber rien comity state of Michigan Said mortgage was duh assigned hy Laura Letcher to Tim oliiv ('Spaulding eby io 1sm assignment re corded in liber to page 1 1 There is claimed due on said mod gage two hundred six dollars and no proC' rdings have been inst il uted to collect same by viriue ot the pow er of sale contained hi said morigagc and the slatulu in such ease made and provided not ire is hereby given that the premises described in said nmrigage will be sold at public au ion to the highest bidder at al the front door of the court house Academy) in tim citv ot st Joseph Berrien county Michigan that bring the place where the circuit court lur said county is now held on riday December 13 at eleven o'clock In the forenoon to satisfy the amount then dm costs and expenses ami attorney fee allowed bylaw Tlie premises covered by said mortgage and to lie sold are all the following described lands and premises situated in lie town of Lake coimtv of Berrien state of Michi gan viz: north half of north half of south half of southeast quarter of section number twenty live town six south range twenty west twenty acres mere nr ss Dated Sept 17 istri TIMOI'liV SPAULDING Mortgagee R(sce Dix Attorney Mortgage sale default has i'een niade in pa men of amuimt due on a mortg age made by August Ihultk' ami Augusta Radtke liis wile to Albert Pacholke dated Oct ami recorded October 1srj ju liber 's of mort gages on page 2t in the oliiee the Register of Deeds of Berrien county Michigan There is claimed due on sait mortgage for principal ami interest unpaid three hundred twenty seven dollars beside the Hole of $171 not yet due By reason such default ami of the power of sale contained in said mortgage amt in pmsnanet of the stat 11 1 in siieb case made ami provided said mortgage will be foreclosed and the premises described therein sold to the highest ladder for eash al he front 1 hair of he court house (Ma rt Academy) tn the city of st Joseph Berrien (omit ichigan hat being the place where 1 lie circuit coni lor said count is now held on ri day December IS93 at 11 o'clock he lore noon to satisfy the amount then due on said mortgage cost's ami expenses of such foreclos ure ami an ntturm lee of 23 pro ided for ihrrt 111 but subject to tie said inl ailment ot princi pal S174 nut yet due I he premises covered Dy said mortgage ami to he sold 011 this foreclosure are the following described lands ami premises situated in the town of Ik rricn county of Ber rien state of Michigan viz: All that part of southwest quarter of southeast quarter of section twenty two town six south range seventeen west lying north of centre of road ami cast of centre of north and south road running through said quarter section thirty acres of laud moi or less Also piece of land commencing at southwest corner ol east hall of southeast frac tional quarter of said section wenly two thence north forty rods thence east fnr enough to con tain four acres on north side of center ot 1 gon road thence south to center of Pokagon road thence northwesterly in center of said road to place of beginning bated Sept 17 1895 ALBERT rACHOLKE Mortgagee Roscni 1) Di Attorney sspt ide ORTGAGE DEAULT HAS BEEN Al made in payment ufamoaiit due on amort gage made by John Hsen to Susan Collins dated June Sih ism and recorded in ofllce of Register of I eeds Berrien county Michigan in liber 43 of Mortgages page 5hl on tielith day ot June a i ism which said mortgage was duly assigned by Eben Dorr Coilnis executor of hist will of Susan Collin ami James A Collins legatee to Joshua eather by assignment dated July 23rd A recorded July29th in liber 51 of Mortgages page 380 in said Registers otliee and said Joshua eather is now the lawful owner and holder of same There is claimed due on sail mortgage for principal and interest ten hundred suciity six dollars and no proceedings al law or inequity have been instituted to collect same Therefore notice is hereby given that by virtue of tin power of sale contained in said mortgage ami of the statute1 in such cae made ami provid ed said mortgage will he foreclosed ami the premises described therein sold at the front doer of the court house in the City of St Joseph rivn county Michigan being tin the place where the circuit court for said county is held on ri day 1 6th a 1 lsj5 at It o'clock a to satisfy amount on said mortgage ami costs and expenses of foreclosure and an attor neyfee of thirty live dollars The premises in said mortgage and to be sold are described as follows: East half of west half of northeast quarter of section twenty one town five south range nineteen west and north ten acres of northeast quarter of northeast quarter of said section twenty one titty acres all Ixing together in one farm in Berrien coutt tv Michigan Dahd Berrien Springs Mich Sept utlijMG JOSHUA EATHER Rusuok Dix Mortgagee Attorney pl Idect Af ORTGAGE SALE DEAULT HAVING Al been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage made by Richard Bl I ust on ami Marl ha A Huston to Nathaniel Ball dated August 27lh A 1 S75 and recorded in the ollicc ol the Register of Deeds for the Uouuty of Berrien and St al of iehigan on the 31 day of August A 1875 in liber 13 ot Mortgages on page 2V5 on the Mh day of September A I 1s75 Nathaniel Hall assigned said mortgage to Elizabeth Hall said assignment recorded September 23d A 1875 in filler of mortgages page 493 said county records 011 which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date of this notice the sum of eleven hundred and fdty lwo dollars ami an attorneys tee of thirty live dollars provided for in said mortgage there is also due ami un paid by the mortgagors lur taxes of the year 1893 the sum of till) one 2 IM dollars ami interest thereon at seven percent from let 25 1894 which sum has burn paid by the assignee and no suit or proceedings at law having been Instituted to reco cr I lie moneys secured by said mortgage or any part thereof Now therefore by viriue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statie in such rase made ami provided not ice hereby given 1 hat on Sat ur lay the ninth day of November A 1 IS95 at one o'clock he aifcrnoon I shall at public auction to the highest bidder at th' frou door of the court house hi the chy ol St Joseph (that bring the place where the circuit court tor Berrien rouhty is now held) the prem ises described in said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount due on said mortgage with seven per cent inter est ami all legal costs together with anallor ney's ice of thirty live dollars covenanted lor herein the premises being described in said mortgage as all that certain' lot piece ami parcel of land situate in the county of Berrien amt state of Michigan ami known ami described as follows: the east half of the northeast quartern! section nine town eight south of range nineteen west Lapeer Mich August 12th A 1895 SLAYTON Admtnist rator of the estate of Elizabeth Hall deceased John a McLennan Atty for Adm llagGnv STATE MICHIGAN COUNTY BER rien ss JTobate Court for said County At a session of the Probate Court for said Coim tv held at the Probate oilice in said County on Tuesday the tenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand right hundred and ninety live Present Jacob Van Riper Judge of Probate In the matter of the estate ol Isaac rench deceased George rench ad ministrator with the will annexed of said estate comes into court and represents that he is now prepared to render his final account as such administrator Thereupon it is ordered that Monday the 7th day of October next at ten o'clock in the fore noon be assigned for the examining and allow ing such account ami that the heirs at law of said deceased nnl all other persons interest ed in said estate arc required to appear al a session of said Court then to be hidden at the I Tubale Ollice in the city of St Joseph in said county and show cause if any there be why the said account should not be allowed: Audit is fuithrr ordered that said administrator give notice to the persons interested in said of the pendency of said account and the hearing thereof by causing a copy of this order to be pub lished in the Berrien Springs Era a newspaper printed and circulated in said county for three successive weeks previous to said dayol hearing (A true copy) JACOB Van ill PER Ilsvp2oct seal I Judge of STATE MICHIGAN COUNTY BER rien ss Probate Court for said county At a session of the Probate Court for said county held at the Probate office in said county on Tuesday the 241 day of September in the year of our Gird one thousand right hundred ami ninety live Present Jacob Van Riper Judge of Probate In the mat ter of the estate of Patience Caldwell deceased William II Miller executor of said estate comes into court and represents that he is now prepared to render his final ac count such executor Thereupon it is ordered that Monday the 21st dayol October next at ten hi the forenoon be assigned fur he examining and allowing such account and that the heirs at law of said deceased and all other persons interested in said estate are required to appear at a session of said court then to be holden at the Probate ofllce In the city of St Joseph in said comity and show cause if any there be why the said account should not be allowed Ami it is further ordered that said executor give notice to the persons interested in said estate of the pendency of said account and the hearing thereof by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Berrien Springs Era a newspaper printed and circulated hi said coun ty for three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing A true copy seal JACOB Van RIPER 25spi6oc Judge of Probate A TREATMENT OR NEURALGIA AND ERYSIPELAS Tested in the Cases of Snook and Mrs Brooks of Grands Rapids with Good Results If Nerves are Right he will not Have Neu ralgia If His Blood is Pure he will not Have Erysipelas GET AT THE ROOT DISEASE rom the Press (trand Rapids JicA Prominent among the west side citizens of Grand Jlapids is Snouk who lives at 9G Dayton Street Mr Snook belongs tu that class of nature's tiublemvu who are in every sense of the word the hone and sinew of (he nation He is a self imtdp man in the fullest definition of tin' term Never having had the advantages whirii great wealth can give he has always maintained a reputation for until ing industry and sterling integrity About a year ago he became ill from over work His sickness took the form of nerv ous prostration the first symptoms being an overpowering headache The physicians whom he consulted diagnosed his ease as a seven1 attack of neuralgia but their treat ment gave him no relief One afteranoiher doctor was alhl upon hut Mr malady grew worse and in a short time his eyesight was so affected that he be came almost totally blind Mure physicians were consulted ami he was (old that the opt ie nerve of his right eye was paralyzed But none of them gave him any relief from his terrible sufferings Day after and flight after night was passed in horrible agony and it renird as if the poor man was doomed to find relief in the grave As each one the doctors made an analysis of his case a liflereiil name was given to his disease until it seemed to the patient suflen (hat he had fallen heir to every disease known to the medical profession AH food became distasteful to him ami it was only by the greatest effort that his life was pro longed To make th1 mailer still worse he was unable tn sleep ami thus gain strength for another day's battle with tin insidious monster that wa slowly hut surely consum ing all his vital threes or three Jong months this unequal contest for a life con tinued and Mr wife and friends were in despair He had been given the best of care by those who nursed him ami tin whole pharmacopeia of remedies known to ordinary physicians had been exhausted The sight of Mr right eye was en tirely gone and his condition was indeed most pitiable About lliis time some kind friend induced Mr Snook to try Dr Pink Pills Before he had finished taking mie box of the famous remedy he found the first relief he had known for many weeks His appetite began to improve ami he was able to sleep at night In a few days he sat up and his began 10 take on healthy glow He gaincl flesh rapidly as he con tinued to use Pink Pills while the pain in his head had entirely disappeared Mr Inng illness had entirely incapacitated him for work but by the time he had taken the third box of Dr Pink Pills he was able to resume his duties Since that tim Mr Snook has taken six more boxes the pills jithI declares that his recovery is permanent had suffered ro terribly nml was in such a dilapidated said Mr Snook to the Hreiiut Press reporter who called on him I consider mv recovery as the next thing to a miracle I would no nmro be without this wonderful remedy in house than I would attempt to live in a house without furniture They act as a ionic strengthen the digestive organs and add vitality to the whole system I am only toopleased to tell the glad news to all of suf fering humanity that they may receive the blessing of a healthy body and a cheerful Mr Knock is now working hard every day and states that he considers himself entirely cured of his former disorders that ba filed the skill of the bust phyririatis that he could find Dr Pink Pills for Pale People came to him like it strong rope thrown out to drowning man saved my life and put an rud to more awful tortures than I ladieved it possible for a man to endure and said he I bless the day that Dr Williams Pink Pills were brought to make a courir of rest of my bed of Mrs Brooks Quintz Street was next visit(d by our reptrfer a it had been learned that she hud been cured of ery sipelas by the same remedy Mrs Brooks said I had been subject to periodical attacks of erysipelas for a number of years and carb succeeding attack wa more severe than the last out Aly head was mt and that is where the first symptom in the form of the most awful sick hcaddic The phyrieians whom cohmiIuhI and they comprised a large iuiihIht could give me little or Do relief The Iw that I could do seemed to be to diet myself and use such household remedies as Miggoted themselves when after a regular siege it would gradu ally wear away The Double however would recur again it intervals that im reat in frequency ami severity and cadi time would require lunger to wear out I real ized (hat unless permanent help of some sort was found I was destined to become a confirmed invalid and probaldy an untinnd grave When got Dr Pink Pills for Mr Krooks I determined tn take them myself and see what if any effect they would have tipm me The result was everything that I hoped for ami more My headaches are less frequent and severe indeed to lull the truth they would not come ut all if I did not neglect to take the Pink Pills as directed have just com tneneed taking them again and shall con tinue until all the old difficulty 1 gone as I know it will In in a short time I cannot say enough in praise of the medicine a nd I wish you would refer everyone to me who is in trouble of this kind great pleas ure in telling mv friends and neighbors of Pink Pills and all they have done for Mr Brooks and myself I feel that no greater blessing could be bestowed upn mankind than those which have come to ns through the knowledge arid useof Dr Pink The foregoing is but two of many wonder ful cures that have been credited to Dr Wil Pink Pills for Pale People Diseases xhich heretofore have been supposed to be incurable such as locomotor ataxia and pa ralysis succumb to this wonderful imslicine as readily as the most trilling ailments In many fuses the reported cures haw been investigated by the leading newspapers ami verified in every possible manner and in no case has the least semblance of fraud been discovered Their fame hits spread to the far ends of civilization and there is hardly a drug store in this country or abroad where they cannot be found Dr Pink Pills contain in 11 condensed form all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the ami restore shattered nerves They arc an unfailing specific for suvh diseases as loco motor ataxjsi partial paralysis St dance sciatica neuralgia rheumatism nerv ous headache the nil effect of hi grippe palpitation of the heart pale and sallow complexions ali forms of cakness either in male or female Pink Pills are sold by all dealers or will be sent post paid 011 receipt of price (7) cents a box or six boxes for $2 off they are never sold in bulk or by 1 1U0) by addressing Dr Mediriti Company Schenectady HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING BUT NOT TO SHAVE SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THING OR HOUSE CLEANING GRAHAM MORTON TRANS CO STEAMERS TO CHICAGO AND MILWAUKEE Commencing June 10 ami until further notice the steamers City of Chicago and City of Louisville will make double daily trips to and from Chicago on the following schedule: Leave Benton Harbor at 2 daily except Saturday and Sunday and at 8 30 daily Leave St Joseph at 4 00 daily except Sat urday and Sunday and at 10 00 daily including Sunday Leave Chicago at 9 30 a in daily except Saturday and at 1 1 30 daily Special Leave St Joseph at 00 in Saturdays only and at 5 00 a and 6 00 Sundays only Leave Chicago at 2 Sat urdays only and at 5 30 a in Mondays only The steamer Lawrence will leave Benton Harbor Sunday evening at 8 30 Mr Cliiengo direct ami the City of Louisville will leave St Joseph at to (X) in Sundays for Chicago direct he Str will make tri weekly trips to Milwaukee leaving Benton Harbor at 7 30 and St Joseph at 9 tn Monday Wednes day riday Leave Milwaukee Tuesday Thursday Saturday at aS Docks: Chicago foot ot Wabash Ave Milwaukee foot of Broadway St Joseph A Graham Benton Harbor Graham Co GRAHAM Pres Mortgage sale the sum oe ten hundred ninety live dollars ami thirty three cents is the amount claimed to be due at the date of tliis notice on a certliin mortgage bearingdate the ninth day of July 1892 executed by James Sutherland amt Maria Sutherland his wife mortgagors to William Lyon mortgagee ami recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds ol Berrien comity state of Michigan on the fif teenth day of July 1892 in liber 55 of mortgages on page 106 No suit or proceedings have been instituted at law to recover the debt remaining secured by said mortgage or any part thereof ami notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage and of the statute In such case made and provided the premises covered by said mortgage town All that certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in the township of Hagar in the county ot Berrien and state of Michigan and described as follows to wit: The west half of the southwest quarter of section twenty three (23) in township three (3) south of range eighteen (18) west con taining eighty (80) acres be the same more or less will be sold at public auction by the Sheriff of said county of Berrien to the highest bidder at ten in the forenoon of Monday the sixteenth day of December J895 at the place of holding the Circuit Court in the cityoi St Jo seph iu Berrien county Michigan to foreclose said mortgage and recover the amount due there on and the attorney fee amt all costs and ex penses allowed by law September 18 isos WILLIAM LYON Edward Bacon Mortgagee Attorney for Mortgagee issplldc HAIR BALSAM ClCBZMM acd beantifiei the half Prvmotee a luxuriant growth Merer ell to Grey Hair to Youthful Color Cum scalp dinaaef a hair Uliu SUBSCRIBE NOW WE WILL SEND TO ANY ADDRESS The New York Weekly Press A clean interesting up to date Republican National Newspaper conducted to instruct entertain amuse and edify every member of every American family AND The Berrien Springs Era OB One Year for only $175 Address all orders to THE ERA Berrien Springs Mich Semi your namn ami address to NEW YOitlv WEEKLY 3K Park Row New York City and a sample copy will be mailed to you Cleveland Cincinnati Chicago St Louis Ry BIG OUR ROUTE Thr Pori ur Route rktwkrn the Mich igan Cities andall Svuthkkn Point Condensed Schedule of Trains Effective June 1G 1K94 GVLXU KOKTH ATATIONR COING SOUTH a in Louisville arp a 4 00 9 25 No Vernon 5 25 JO 10 4 46 9 53 Westport 4 56 9U Cincinnati 5 45 10 8 35 7 20 11 17 Rushville 3 II 6 10 830 11 51Knlghtstwn3 10 5 15 10 10 12 40 Anderson 2 0 4 00 am pm pm pm 6 35 1 1 4 uo in)oJ1230 Anderson 2 24 7 15 K25 12 55Alexamlrit 2 02 6 47 38 I i7Sumiu tvihe 1 51 34 Suu 8 50 I 19 ail mount 10 6 21 Sun day 9 01 1 30 Jonesboro I 30 6 io days only 9 13 12 Marion 1 5 59 only am 10 oo 2 3(i ai bsh Iv 5 20 pm 6 00 10 10 2 40 IvWbsh ar 12 40 5 1030 6 32 1'0 43 3 mNMauchr 12 40 435 U57 7 It 1127 350 Warsaw 11 27 3 9 11 738 1150 4 15 Milford 1101 i 3 21 844 SuiaiH 12 17 4 42 Goshen 0 37 2 57 pm la 27 7 25 1239 5(kJ Elkhart 10 17 2 34 810 7 56 9 09 05 1 18 5 15 Niles 9 40 1 57 7 (17 7 20 9 28 8 2 1 1 37 6 05 Ber 9 2 I 37 10 7 2 9 31X1'9 I 42 6 10 an Claire 9 17 I 28 6 33 6 56 102(1 X55 2 15 6 10 ar Bar 8 55 1 00 5 30 6 30 All Trains Jails except Sunday Rum kh Agi al Berrien (' hire Mleh 1 I Is Preside ut 'ineinnal i Mi Passenger Traffic Manager Cinrinnal i MaktixG I A Cincinnati BERRIEN CENTRE HACK Leave Berrien Sj rings 6 35 a in 12 35 5 20 for 1 rains hot nori I) ami sot it ench rip Leave Berrien Centre inn hh are 25r BECK Prop Mich igan Central Niagara alls On and alter June hi ixjm passenger trainsiil leave BUCHANAN central standard time as follows: EAST I GOING WEST Det iglit Ex 12 2Sam Night Ex 4 xam Mail 9 4Sam Chicago Ae 8 U3aui Kai Ac 7 22pm I Bos A Chi Sp 12 oo I Mail 3 13pm A Pkauock Agent Buehamm Will leave NILES central time as fellows: GOING EAMT Night Express 12 45air Atlantic Ex 45am Way reiight 6 Guam Mad 10 15am BosSpl 1 02un Ex 5 f5piu Kai Ac 7 4opm Air Lino GOING WEST Night 3 55ain Pacific Ex 5 ouaiu Yx BosSpL! I 4sam Kalamazoo Ac 7 52am 1 45pm Mail 3 xipin Chicago Ex 6 2ipm Division Mail arrive i lee Ac Way reight 2 I5pin I Mail depart to 25am 7 25a in Nilew Ac 7 40pm 5 oupin Way reight 6 Guam Niles and South Bend Division AIlillVK Dkpaht 132 Mixed 10 ooain 131 Mixed 7 55am 134 5 4(pm I 133 2 fOpm Daily All otherB daily except Sundays rcigli rai Nos 52 (it) and To will carry passengers holding reight train permits KUGGLK8 Baiuion I ami Agt Local Ticket Agent Niles Chicago dime is: A West Michigan Ry going north am pm pm am Lv Chicago 7 20 5 on 11 45 New Buffalo 9 25 7 2 io 5 Cf St oseph 10 U3 7 55 3 05 6 xi Benton Harbor to lo of 3 15 6 us Hartford 34 3 6 41 Bangor 8 47 4 05 6 57 Grand Junction 4 is 7 10 Ar Holland 11 r4 9 50 5 15 8 10 Ar Allegan 5 25 9 40 Muskegon 3 '25 6 55 Pentwater 11 30 II 5' Ar Gram! Rapids 12 4() to 4o 6 30 Lv Grand Rapids 1 oo 11 to 8 00 Ar Big Rapids lo 70 Manistee 12 55 Traverse City 4 5u 4 0L 1 20 Petoskey 0 7 (X) 4 Bay iew 7 (X 7 10 4 30 pm am pin going south pm pm pm pm Lv Bay View 8 2t 7 on 1 5o Petoskey 9 30 7 06 2 00 Traverse City 12 3u 9 o' 4 Ni Lv Grand Rapids 6 no 1 25 1 1 30 6 30 Muskegon 12 45 11 50 Allegan 5 4o 00 ilullaml 7 5'i 2 '12'30 30 Grand unci ion 7 50 2 55 1 8 29 Bangor ol 3 07 1 49 17 Hartford 21 3 20 2 9 04 Benton Harbor 8 5r 3 5o 2 5i 9 10 St Joseph 9 05 3 57 3 05 9 50 Ar New Buffalo io 0 4 4 G5 10 15 Chicago 12 t)5 (i 50 25 pm pm am pm avorite Route via Grand Rapids ami Detroit Lansing A Northern to realising Saginaw Detroit and the East am pm pm Lv Grand Rapids 7 on 11 5 25 Ar Lansing 54 3 7 25 Ar Detroit it 40 ft 30 10 10 am pm Lv Grand Rapids 7 ui 4 45 Ar Alma 9 r5 7 32 Ar Saginaw 11 25 9 27 Every day others week dues only GEORGE DcllA VEN General Passenger Agent Grand Rapids Michigan SEYMOUR LINE Chicago St Joseph and Benton Harbor Transportation Co Coiniuencing April 2 1 Ibe ast and avorite Stei iipt PURITAN Will run as follows: Leave Benton Harbor 9 St Joseph 10 daily except Satur day Leave Ch ieago Clark street bridge 9 :0 a in (luilv find 11 Sun days only Extra trip Saturday Leave Ben ton Harbor 2 30 St Joe 2 30 Extra trip Sundav Leave Benton Harbor 3 a in St Joseph I 15 a areBOc BerthSOc Tickets for sate by A Zekbv reight reprised Mr all railroad points SEYMOUR CHAS ARMER Genl Mgr Chicago Supt Beiton Harbor CENTRAL WISCONSIN han a reputation of having as good land for general farming pu rpom as any State in the Union CLARKCVl'NTY with 1200 square miles of good farm Ina land: 25000 non illation plenty of good water and fuel excel lent schools and churches of various denomi nations is one ot the best countic In the State Improved farming land $30 to $76 per acre We offer a large tract of unimpruxed farming land forsaloattneJowpHceof $5 to $10pcr acre only $2 per acre cash balance five time Over 3000 Acres sold in 4 monllis This Is the best chance ever offered to the farming class of people who are renting farms for a cash rent or working them on shares to secure a farm of their own at a ry small cost REE TRANSPORTATION to purchasers of 80 acres of land up to $20 one half fare to those buying 40 acres if tickets are bought of us or you have a receipt showing amount paid Buy your tickets to Columbia Wisconsin on 0 St Northwestern Line via Merrillan Junction Send for REE MAIS AND CIRCULARS giving full description of the land help you I Address The GRAVES LAND COMPANY Room 311 ITH AVE CHICAGO ILL fa werk Kxi IiuIvh i ri iur Tb I XjLftX iUphi IHUGfaUirr all ihI1Iih" fur fnillv iuotii mhiutn hiim i aril drhn ibia anlivul wrUlUK iSr hand Vo 11 JT puh the button ihf machlttf 1 dL TjK the ru lirlvht pulUhed dlabra I xklnfft'rNiotMlMj ha4or elothiuf A Aithra aomstM Cbrnp durable warranted Clrabarfrw BARRieeN A CO UH.
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