Diesel particulate filters - Filter cleaning and problems (2025)


Diesel particulate filters - Filter cleaning and problems (1)

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    DPFs can be problematic

    Diesel particulate filters reduce pollution but you need the full story...here are the pros and cons

    Diesels produce lots of soot (particulate matter) that can cause respiratory problems and contribute to the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

    Modern diesel cars (since 2009) have to be fitted with a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) in the exhaust to stop this soot passing into the atmosphere.

    The aim is an 80% cut in particle emissions but the technology's not without problems and our patrols are often called to cars with a blocked DPF.

    Diesel particulate filters - Filter cleaning and problems (2)

    To maintain performance a DPF has to be emptied regularly. This is usually done passively in a process called 'regeneration': when the exhaust temperature’s high enough, on motorways or fast A-roads.

    • The collected soot is burnt off, leaving only a tiny ash residue.
    • The ash can’t be removed – unless the DPF is removed from the vehicle and sent away for specialist cleaning – but a DPF in a car used correctly should be good for well over 100,000 miles.

    Active regeneration

    Many cars don't get the right sort of use for passive regeneration to work so car manufacturers build in ‘active’ regeneration where the engine control software senses that the filter’s getting blocked and injects extra fuel into the engine to raise the exhaust temperature and trigger regeneration.

    Active regeneration will be initiated every 300 miles or so depending on how you use your car and will take 5 to 10 minutes to complete. But it’s a problem if your journey’s too short and the regeneration doesn’t finish.

    During active regeneration you may notice:

    • Cooling fans running
    • Faster engine idle speed
    • Automatic Stop/Start doesn’t work
    • Increased fuel consumption
    • A hot, acrid smell from the exhaust.
    • The engine sounds different

    Don’t ignore a warning light

    If you get a warning light showing that the filter’s blocked, it should be possible to complete an active regeneration cycle and clear the warning light by driving for 10 minutes or so at speeds over 40mph.

    If you ignore a DPF warning light and keep driving in a relatively slow, stop/start pattern, soot will build up in the filter until your car goes into ‘restricted performance mode’ to prevent damage.

    If you let it get this bad:

    • Driving at speed alone won’t be enough.
    • You’ll have to get a dealer to do a manual or ‘forced’ filter regeneration.
    • In extreme cases they may have to replace the filter which can cost at least £1000 plus labour.

    In most cases there’s only a short time between the DPF being partially blocked and it getting so blocked it needs a manual regeneration.

    If there’s a fault with the DPF or the differential pressure sensor, which lets your car know the DPF's status, the engine management lightmight also come on.

    If you're buying a new car and will use it mainly for town-based, stop/start driving you’d be wise to avoid diesels fitted with a particulate filter

    Even if your driving isn't mainly urban/stop-start, you might need to change your driving style to keep the system working properly. Follow any advice in your vehicle handbook.

    What prevents normal regeneration?

    • Frequent short journeys where the engine doesn’t get hot
    • The wrong type of engine oil – check your handbook
    • A problem with the fuel system or Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) causing excess soot.
    • A warning light on the dashboard or a diagnostic trouble code stored in the engine management system.
    • Going over the recommended service interval
    • If the vehicle uses Eolys™ additive, a low level in the tank can prevent regeneration.
    • Low fuel level – generally less than a quarter of a tank – will prevent active regeneration taking place.

    DPF additives

    Most DPFs are fitted close to the engine where the exhaust is hottest so that passive regeneration is more likely to work.

    But some cars use a different type of DPF which needs a fuel additive (Eolys™ fluid) to lower the ignition temperature of the soot particles so that regeneration can occur at a lower temperature.

    • Additive is stored in a separate tank and automatically mixed with the fuel.
    • A full tank of additive should last around 70,000 miles.
    • You’ll have to pay (around £200 for fluid and labour) to get the additive tank refilled.
    • Don't ignore a warning light showing that the additive tanks need refilling – without additive the DPF will quickly become blocked.

    Removal's not a legal option

    It’s sometimes suggested that you can get a DPF cut out of the exhaust and the engine management software reprogrammed rather than pay to get it repaired.

    • DPFs are fitted to meet European emissions regulations and it would be an offence (under the Road vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations) to use a vehicle which has been modified in such a way that it no longer complies with the emissions standards it was designed to meet.
    • Removing a DPF could also invalidate any insurance cover because it makes the vehicle illegal for road use.
    • Since February 2014 a missing DPF, where one was fitted when the vehicle was built, will result in an MOT failure.

    updated 7 August 2017

    Related advice

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    • Euro emissions standards
    • Car choice and exhaust emissions
    • AdBlue diesel exhaust fluid
    • What is WLTP?
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    • Biofuels
    • Eco-driving advice
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  • Diesel particulate filters - Filter cleaning and problems (2025)


    How do I clear my diesel particulate filter? ›

    A warning light letting you know your DPF is blocked should not be ignored, but can in many instances be remedied by driving in a way which initiates passive/active regeneration of the DPF. Driving for over 10 minutes at speeds in excess of 40mph will often be sufficient to clear the blockage and regenerate the DPF.

    How do I unblock my DPF filter without removing it? ›

    How to unblock a DPF? 1) DPF Regeneration - Find a motorway near you where you can drive at 70+ MPH for 30-45 minutes; this should provide the optimal conditions for the regeneration process to complete. If this works, consider a regular drive along a motorway regularly to allow the regeneration process to complete.

    How do I fix my diesel particulate filter warning? ›

    If you get a warning light showing that the filter's blocked, it should be possible to complete an active regeneration cycle and clear the warning light by driving for 10 minutes or so at speeds over 40mph.

    Can I clean my DPF myself? ›

    Yes, yes you can! If your diesel particulate filter accumulates enough soot to trigger a blockage fault, the job is very quick and easy to take care of. Be sure to diagnose and correct the initial fault first - if you're in doubt, consult a professional mechanic.

    What additive cleans diesel particulate filter? ›

    JLM Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaner is one of the best diesel particulate filter cleaners on the market. JLM DPF Cleaner contains a high concentration of the active additive. There's no need to remove the DPF Filter, just pour the JLM DPF cleaner into your diesel fuel tank.

    How long do you need to drive to clear a DPF filter? ›

    So it is advised that drivers regularly give their diesel vehicle a good 30 to 50 minute run at sustained speed on a motorway or A-road to help clear the filter. However, not all drivers do this type of driving regularly – which is why manufacturers have designed an alternative form of regeneration.

    What is the cheapest way to fix DPF? ›

    Clean the filter yourself using a DPF cleaning solution (The cheapest method and may work for your vehicle depending on the extent of the sediment/blockage). Use a DPF filter cleaning service – more reliable but more costly.

    Can a fully blocked DPF be cleaned? ›

    These filters are necessary to keep your vehicle running properly, and like everything in your car, they have a life cycle. While you can hire a professional or clean the blocked DPF filter yourself, it's a temporary fix and will not solve the problem.

    Can you manually do a DPF regeneration? ›

    Case Study: How to Regenerate a DPF manually

    At this point, as long as the DPF is not severely blocked (over 90% capacity filled), a scan tool can be used to perform a static or (up to 60% capacity filled) or dynamic regeneration to clear the soot levels in the DPF.

    How much does it cost to clean a diesel particulate filter? ›

    The average cost of cleaning, and regeneration of diesel particulate filter is £300, with prices ranging from £160 to £500. Hence, the exact price of a DPF cleaning job depends largely on your car, the extent of work needed and the parts your car's manufacturer recommends.

    What is the best DPF cleaner? ›

    JLM Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaner is among the best on the market. Used and trusted by professional technicians around the world it features a high concentration of active additives for superior cleaning performance.

    How to unclog a DPF filter without removing it? ›

    Use a DPF Chemical Cleaner

    There are two types of chemical cleaners you will come across in the market – fuel additives and spray-on systems. Fuel additives are ideal for keeping a filter unclogged from the inside during use and can typically be poured into the filter without removal.

    How does a mechanic clean a DPF? ›

    The DPF is put in a specialist cleaning machine and undergoes a two-way aqueous clean and drying procedure to remove all soot and ash. Another back pressure test is carried out to confirm the cleaning has been successful. The DPF is reinstalled.

    How to clear a diesel particulate filter? ›

    The easiest and best option to clean DPF filters is by following these few steps:
    1. Heat the engine. The easiest and cheapest method of DPF filter cleaning is by driving the vehicle for a long-distance at high revs per minute. ...
    2. Use the recommended oil. ...
    3. Use premium fuel. ...
    4. Don't ignore the warning light. ...
    5. Regular servicing.
    May 4, 2020

    Can you delete a diesel particulate filter? ›

    DPF removal will almost certainly void any warranty on your car and may affect insurance rates. In some areas the car may become uninsurable due to custom modifications that make it illegal to drive. Additionally, outside of DPF delete enthusiasts, the car's resale value will likely be lower due to these modifications.

    Does a diesel particulate filter clean itself? ›

    During normal working condition the diesel particle filter will clean itself regularly by self-regeneration.

    How do you tell if your diesel particulate filter is clogged? ›

    8 Blocked DPF Symptoms
    1. DPF warning light on the dashboard.
    2. Engine low on power.
    3. The engine cannot rev to high RPMs.
    4. Issues starting.
    5. Black smoke from exhaust upon acceleration.
    6. Strong odour of diesel fuel in the cabin.
    7. Reduced fuel economy.
    8. Start-stop function not working.
    Dec 4, 2023

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    Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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    Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

    Birthday: 1998-01-29

    Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

    Phone: +5819954278378

    Job: Construction Director

    Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

    Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.