Morning Sentinel from Waterville, Maine (2024)

Waterville Morning Sentinel, Saturday, July 16, 1949 Skowhegan Local News Office, First Floor Strand Theatre Building, Dial 365 or 366 Mrs. Pooler Is At Shower Ar personal shower feted? Mrs. Thelma Pooler, when on Thursday evening her sister-in-law Mrs. Ruth T. Flewelling at her hone on Notridgewock Avenue, entertained i Mrs.

1 Pooler and group of relatives and friends. Assisting Mrs. in carrying Ou- the plans were the guest of honor's mother, Mrs. Flewelling and Mrs. Hattie Crockett.

During the social evening Mrs. Pobler received and displayed al large: number of gifts. Refresh-1 ments were served. Honoring Mrs. Pooler were, besides those mentioned, Mrs.

George Flewelling, Mrs. Merle Flewelling, Mr. Gerald Cowette, Mrs. Earl Atwood all of Cornville, Mrs. Frank Pooler, Mrs.

Raymond Totter and daughter Charlotte of East Skowhegan, Mrs. Amos Dickinson and daughter Mabel, Mrs. Ervin Smith, Mrs. John Corson and Gwendolyn and Rosamond Crockett, Skewhegan. VFW Auxiliary Plans Field Day Plans were discussed for their annual field day at the meeting of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary to the J.

Sandiord Post, held Thursday night at the armory, The outing is to occur at at O-Le-O Camps in Smithfield, the date and further plans to be announced. Mrs. Dorothy Sirols, president, conducted the business session. Mrs. Mary Lou Hardy and Mrs.

Angie Atkinson were named to the committee for the feld day and plans were also discussed for visit to Togus sometime in August. Mrs. Marjorie Lessard has been named as refreshment chairman for the August 11 meeting. Coolest Spot In -Town GENE'S RESTAURANT and BANQUET ROOM TWO FAMILY HOUSE This is two story house with shed ad stable, good basem*nt, water system, full bath and electrielty. The lot is about 90 ft.

on the street by 300 ft. back. If you want a real trade, look at this property, for $4500. TAGUE REALTY AGENCY 100-Water 1 Skowhegan, Tel. 335 WANTED AT ONCE FULL TIME SALESMAN With Car, for Skewhegan Area Te List and Sell Properties TAGUE REALTY AGENCY 100 Water St.

Skewhegan FOR SALE 9 ROOM HOUSE With bath and oil heat W. K. RIPLEY 15 Spring St. Dial 2633 LOANS to pay bills doctors' machines, AUTO LOANS Goans $25 to $300 month to 8180; per of balances EQUITABLE End Floor Over MeLellan's SKOWHEGAN 1 Daily 9 to 5. -Phone 739 Engagement Of Florence Scribner i Being Announced FLORENCE SCRIBNER Mr.

and Mrs. Clyde Scribner of Athens wish to announce the, engagement of their youngest daughter, Florence Elaine, to Leroy A. LaGross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy A.

LaGross of Harmony, Migs Scribner attended Athens schools and graduated from Somerset Academy in 1948. is now at employed as telephone operator the Skowhegan exchange of the New England Telephone Telegraph Company, Mr. LaGross attended Harmony schools, graduating in 1943. He employed as a hand sewer at the Sandier Moccasin Factory in Harmony, He had two years in the infantry division of World War 11, with service in the European theatre, The wedding date has not yet been set. NURSES' PICNIC SUNDAY Members of the Kennebec Valley Nurses Association will hold a pienic at Bearge Hagopian's cottage at Lake Embden on Sunday from 12.30 to 6 p.

m. These should bring their table service. HOUSE LOTS On black surface street, with elecrielt a 100 ft. frontage, back 135 Con be bought on terms. TAGUE REALTY AGENCY 100 Water Skowhegan, Dial 335 WANTED JOB AS BABY SITTER DIAL 29251 before 12 P.

M. or call at 11 GILBLAIR ST. JUNE LANCASTER We Pay Highest Prices Scrap Iron, Batteries Rediaters, Metals, Rags, Junk Cars Somerset County's Largest Metal Dealers -Call Write GEM Martin MOTORS OUTBOARD Authorized SALES and SERVICE Used Motors For Sale Geed Choice of Sunday Dinners Served from 11 c. m. to 8:30 p.m.

Tuicotte's Cafe See to for the best selection in town FISHING TACKLE Trout (lies, fly and reels, creels tackle boxes and nets. Dole's Outboard Cabin North Dial 29004, Skowhegan Vic Lessard's North St. Dial 367 SPECIAL PRICES FOR TODAY ONLY NATIVE TOMATOES 2 LES OLD POTATOES Cod, HILLSBURY'S 25 LA BAG FLOUR 1.99 CUKES. 4 for 25c Somerset GOP Women Name To State Federation Meeting Aug. 11 The Somerset County Women's Republican Club has appointed the following delegates and alternates to represent the group at the State Federation meeting in Caribou.

August 11: Mrs. Ruby Murtha, Jackman; Mrs. Flora Coolidge and Mrs. Helen Shorey, Pittsfield; Mrs. Mildred Ela, North Anson; Mrs.

Jeannette M. Mitchell, Mrs. Lillian Holmes, Mrs. Sara Sterns, Mrs. Berta Knowles, all of Skowhegan; alternates- -Mrs.

Frances Goodrich, Palmyra; Mrs. Bertie Hamilton and Miss Helen Moor Smith, Hartland; Mrs. Louise Fickett, Mrs. Carolyn Chase, Mrs. Alice Stitham, Mrs.

Marjorie Jewett, Skowhegan. Rep. Charles Nelson of Augusta will address a meeting of the Somerset Republican women to be held, August 3, at the home of Mrs. Hollis Stitham, Elm Street, Skowhegan. It will be held on the lawn If weather permits and will be an open meeting to allow all to hear Rep.

Nelson. Mrs. Flora Coolidge of Pittsfield has announced her committee for the meeting to be held in Pittsfield, October 5, in honor of U. S. Senator Margaret Chase Smith.

They include Mrs. George L. Moore, Mrs. Sanger Cook, Mrs. J.

R. Cianchette and Mrs. Roy Sinclair, A buffet supper is planned at 6:30 p. m. Mrs.

Sara Sterns has tickets for Skowhegan and Norridgewock members and their husbands. STARTS TODAY L. Eames Is Engaged To S. A. Bilodeau Notices Mrs.

Eva Walker. CENTENARY METHODIST CHURCH THE PEP FEDERATED CHURCH Rev. Q. Haynes, pastor. 10:45, Morning worship service with serThe mon by the pastor on the topic, Splendor In Your Soul.

There will be special music. Mrs. Mildred Weston, organist. The First Maine Philathea Class will hold their July mid-summer picnic on Tuesday, and 19, Mrs. with Miss Edna Crawford Ina Brooks at Brookside Cove, at 6:30 p.

m. Those who wish transportation or those who have transportation to offer should call Rev. C. L. Kinney, pastor.

11, will Morning service when the pastor preach on the subject, The Thin Line Between. ALL SAINTS MISSION (Episcopal) Rev. J. T. Knight, pastor.

Services held at the Grange Hall on at (Pleasant 9:30 Street. Holy communion a. and Church School at the same hour. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Rev. E.

R. Bradley, pastor. 10 Sunday school, with classes for all. 11 a. Morning service with 7:30 the pastor giving the sermon.

p. m. Evening service with Rev. Bradley preaching. meeting Wednesday evening Prayer at 7:30 p.

m. 9 a. m. Sunday morning, Showers of Blessing program over station WTVL, Waterville. NOTRE DAME DE LOURDES CHURCH Rev.

Lucien Chabot, Masses Sunday in the municipal pastor. auditorium at 7, 8:30 and 10 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY" 10:45, school Morning service with Suning day at the same hour. Evenof service first Wednesday ing each month. "Life" Is the subject for Sunday, GOSPEL MISSION HALL H. C.

Plumb, director. services held on Russell Street. Sunday FOOD SALE TODAY food and miscellaneous sale will be held today at the Russakoft store starting at 10 a.m. is being sponsored by the This July clety of committee of the Women's SoFlorence Christian Service with Mrs. Harris as chairman.

(Advertisem*nt) CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my relatives and friends for the nice cards, also for the beautiful flowers given by the of Foreman Norwalk and Making Room help illness. during my Shoe recent I also wish to thank Dr. Bernard and the nurses at the Sisters Hospital. Urbain Caouette STATE ROAD FARM miles from Skowhegan. Dairy farm with wonderful set of buildInes.

House has all hardwood floors, bathroom, extra good cellar with furnace. Very good water system. Get full information fromTAGUE REALTY AGENCY 100 Water Skewhegan, Tel. 385 FOR SALE TWO HORSE WAGON with new hay rack 20 ft. John Deere double spring tooth harrow.

Set new double Harness. Brass trim steel hames hand sewn used two months. Tire chains and Mise. Tools. C.

E. MARTIN. Oak Pond -Road E. Skowhegan STARLITE DRIVE-IN THEATRE Lakeweed Road, Madison 3- -Shows Every Night) and 10:30 Open at 8 P. TONIGHT Ghosts On The Loose Ava Gardner Bela Lugosi East Side Kids Sun.

Mon. Captain Fury BIG USED CAR VALUES Every car we sell carries 12-month guarantee. This takes the rambles out of buying an older model car. See us first, we'll give you a better buy. 1942 Willys 4 door 1937 Ford Coupe 1937 Ford 2 door 1938 Plymouth coupe 1936 Pontine 2 door 1936 Dodge 4 door USED TRUCKS 1940 International ton 1940 Chevrolet LWB 1936 Chevrolet LWB 1936 Ford pickup GEMS ALVACE Mr.

COUPLE MARRIED 45 YEARS- -Shown SKOWHEGAN and Mrs. Fred Turcotte of well above are ville, who recently observed their 45th. known also in WaterSkowhegan, were married at the wedding anniversary. They 1904. The St.

Francis de Sales Church, Waterville, in July, groom was then a brakeman for the Maine road. The bride, who was born in Central Railville. She was the former Nellie Ouellette. was working in WaterCaribou, ated a candy store in Mr. Turcotte later operrant In Skowhegan and 13 years ago established a restauWaterville where he is assisted by Mrs.

Turcotte. Past Noble Grands Hold Annual Picnic Pioneer Past Noble Grands Association met at the cottage of Mrs. Evelyn Lord at Lake Wessefor their annual plenie Thursday night. Mrs. Lord was assisted by Mrs.

Birdena Mullen. Eighteen past noble grands and 181 guests were present. The meeting was called to order by President Mrs. Mullen and devotions were led by the chaplain, Mrs. Addie C.

Beal, Eighteen past grands responded to the roll call. The guests Included Mrs. Elsie Adams, past noble grand of ern Light Rebekah Lodge of Solon. and Reports were read and approved Mrs. Emma Wilbur won the project prize.

The next meeting will be at the cottage of Mrs. Roxie Valliere on USED PIPE All Sizes to 6" All kinds of pipe fittings Cast iron sinks Steam and hot water radiators Angle iron and flat iron GEM SALVAGE Wanted Immediately UNFURNISHED APARTMENT MAN AND WIFE ALONE CALL 652 OR 689 STOVES ANY KIND YOU WANT CASH OR TERMS GRAFFMAN'S SURGE SERVICE STORE Morris C. Adams, Prop. Barn Equipment, Milkers, Coolers, Water Pumps, Refrigeration WATER ST. DIAL 2855 11.

Her assisting hostesses will be Mrs. Mamie Ellis and Mrs. Emma Wilbur, The meeting closed in form and The Office Of DR. M. E.

LORD Will Be Closed July 18 thru July 31 STRAND SUN. MON. Skelton Williams TECHNICOLOR Neptunes WYNN KEENAN Daughter GARRETS Keenan Wynn and Xavier Cugat's Band ENDS TODAY ALLAN Rock: LANE AN DE HI BLACK SUNDOWN -And Action HitROSE OF THE YUKON With Steve Brodie Also CANADIAN MOUNTED DAY'S STORE The Most Centrally Located Grocery Store in Skowhegan Offering You Self-Service Privileges or Personal Service From Our Clerks WATER ST. TEL. 341 SALT PORK -OLD FASHIONED, LEAN OLEO COLORED 14 la.


Manual and offered it to those who wish to use it in scout work or in junior and senfor high schools. Mrs. Jewett, who is in charge of distribution of the manual for the D. A. R.

in Maine. told the Republican women that many women's organizations are using the manual in their club work. Mrs. Charles L. Kinney gave an account at the meeting of the work of the members of the W.

S. C. S. who took the study course recently at Syracuse University. Mrs.

Kinney was one who went from Maine to study with 300 women. Cootiette Club To Hold Initiation Sunday Initiation of members will be held at meeting of the Pooper Dooper Cootiette Club on Sunday, when they meet at 7 o'clock at the armory, Following the meeting the Cooties will join them for a weiner roast. Members are asked to bring their own soft drinks. The social hour is in charge of Mrs. Angie Atkinson.

at 9 A.M. in a Mr. and Mrs. J. G.

Merrow of Water Street are announcing the engagement of their youngest daughter, Miriam Lois Eames, to Sherwood Arthur Bilodeau, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bilodeau of Pennell Street. Miss Eames attended the Skowhegan schools and until recently was employed at the Valsey-Bristol Shoe Shop. Mr.

Bilodeau attended local schools. He served three years in the U. S. Navy and since his discharge has been an employee of the Valsey-Bristol Shoe Company as cutter in the cutting room. No date has been set for the wedding.

More Skowhegan On Next Page FOR SALE PORTABLE GREENHOUSE size 20 8 x6 with or with. out heating plant. Located at North Anson. TEL. MADISON 252-3 SALE down of prices on Misses' and Ladies' SUMMER DRESSES, SUITS and SPORTSWEAR.

Check These Prices and Come In This Weekend For Your Share of These Savings! ONE LOT OF 60 SUMMER DRESSES Stripes, Sheers, Plaids Including Sunbacks $5.95 Values up to 16.50. All Sizes: Pre-teens, 10-12-14. Juniors, 9. 15; Misses, 12-20. Half sizes to ONE LOT LADIES SUMMER DRESSES $3.98 BIG SAVINGS ON SUITS SUMMER COTTON SUITS SPRING SUITS One lot only 5.95 in Garbardine, Sharkskin, Glen Plald and Tweed Was 11.95 for 9.50 Was 22.50 for 15.95 Was 16.50 for 12.95 Was 32.50 for 19.95.

Was 25.00 for 19.50 Was 45.00 for 29.75 Pure 'All Wool Knit Suits -In Pastel Shades 29.50 for 23.50 35.00 for 28.00. LOOK AT THESE SAVINGS ON SPRING COATS! 29.50 for 19.95 39.50 for 25.00 32.50 for 22.50 59.50 for 37.95 SAVE ON SPORTSWEAR 1 and 2 Piece Bathing Suits 6.50 for 4.95 12.95 for 9.95 8.95 for 5.95 14.95 for 10.95 BEAUTIFUL SUMMER SKIRTS In Linen, Gabardine, Chintz and Broadcloth. 2.98 for 2.25 4.95 for 3.95 3.98 for 2.98 5.95 for 4.50 SLACK SUITS 8.95 for 5.95 3-PIECE SUITS 25.00 for 16.50 CRAVENETTE RAINCOAT with matching Plaid UmbrellaWas 16.50 for 12.95 LADIES' SLIPS- -All colors, 32-44- 1.98 -Include many slips Values to 5.95 Be Sure to Visit Our Basem*nt Store Many Good Buys in Children's Summer Wear LaFOND'S store-wide mark-.

Morning Sentinel from Waterville, Maine (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.