SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points - SPT Mods Workshop (2024)

SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points - SPT Mods Workshop (3)

  • Props
  • Dec 2nd 2022
    • Dec 2nd 2022

      nooky added a new file:


      SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points

      SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points - SPT Mods Workshop (4)

      Spawn bots anywhere - Reserve D2, Customs Crackhouse, exfils, etc. - all possible with a custom spawn point editor and dynamic spawns. Custom spawn presets, spawn options and much more. Want total spawn unpredictability and freedom? This mod is for you.



      SPT 3.8.0-3.8.3 ONLY


      Waypoints by DrakiaXYZ


      SAIN by Solarint
      Looting Bots by Skwizzy
      Questing Bots
      by DanW

      None of this would be possible without PROPS, the creator of SWAG and DONUTS

      SWAG (Simple Wave AI Generator) is a server mod that enhances the spawns in your SPT raids by giving you full control over each and every bot that spawns. This mod comes with a full set of spawn "patterns" built-in so all you have to do is install and play.

      DONUTS is a client mod that provides a full in-raid spawn point editor and dynamic spawn system. Donuts comes with a full set of spawn "patterns" specifically created with and for Donuts built-in so all you have to do is install and play.

      Together, SWAG + DONUTS provide complete spawn control, unpredictability and freedom. Bots in D2. Crackhouse. Streets Apartments. Interchange Railway. Exfils. Anywhere.

      SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points - SPT Mods Workshop (6)SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points - SPT Mods Workshop (7)

      What is SWAG + Donuts?

      SWAG + Donuts is a complete overhaul of the SPT bot spawning system. If you're not a fan of vanilla spawns for whatever reason then this is the mod for you. SWAG + Donuts is a combination of client (Donuts) and server (SWAG) mods that each handle certain parts of the spawning system in SPT in various ways and offer a wide variety of flexibility and config options. All PMC and SCAV spawn points are completely custom made for all maps and can be modified with many different parameters.

      By default, SWAG + Donuts is packaged with a set of "spawn presets" that you can select in-game (BepInEx F12 menu) among lots of other options you can tinker with, some you can toggle on/off mid-raid.

      This is a big mod and be complicated for some - fear not, if all you want is to install a cool spawn mod and just play then you can do just that, the defaults are mostly tuned for a live-like experience. If you prefer that PMCs do NOT respawn during a raid then be sure to select any of the "starting-pmcs-only-*" presets from the Donuts F12 menu.

      Features include

      - custom spawn points and custom zones for all maps, created with a built-in spawn point editor

      - various "spawn presets" available or create your own

      - options for spawns you can toggle mid-raid, such as force bot type, spawn hard cap, hot spot boost and more (more info on these options below).

      - add, remove, change any boss spawns or other bot types (add all bosses to all maps, spawn 10 Kabans and everywhere in-between)

      - in-raid custom spawn point editor - edit parameters such as spawn timers, bot count, spawn distance from the player
      - adjust bot squad size and chance, max PMC/SCAV counts per map, per preset and much more

      SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points - SPT Mods Workshop (8)

      For more info. please see the DONUTS and SWAG tabs above.

      How To Install

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      How To Uninstall

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      Mod Compatibility

      Display Spoiler

      Donuts Main Settings

      Display Spoiler

      Donuts Additional Spawn Settings

      Display Spoiler

      Donuts Advanced Settings

      Display Spoiler

      Donuts - Presets Explained

      Display Spoiler

      Donuts Spawn Point Parameters Explained

      Display Spoiler

      Donuts - Not Enough Bots? Too Many? - ScenarioConfig and RandomScenarioConfig Explained

      Display Spoiler

      Donuts Custom Zones

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      Donuts Custom Zone Maps

      Display Spoiler

      SWAG Config and Boss Config

      Display Spoiler

      SWAG config.json Options Explained

      Display Spoiler

      SWAG bossConfig.json Options Explained

      Display Spoiler

      SWAG: How-To - Modifying boss spawn configs

      Display Spoiler


      How do I know this mod is actually working?

      Two ways - you'll see some SWAG load up in your server console along with your server mods (and hopefully no red text)

      Additionally, you need to check that Donuts shows up in your BepInEx F12 menu, if it doesn't then it's not installed correctly

      Is this mod compatible with x, y, z?

      See: Mod Compatibility tab above

      Can I use base game vanilla spawns with this mod?

      No - once upon time this mod supported that but I no longer want to maintain an old spawning system. If you prefer base game spawns I highly recommend BetterSpawnsPlus by PreyToLive or other spawn mods.

      Does this mod impact performance?

      Short answer is yes. The longer answer is it can make both a positive and negative impact on your performance depending on your settings. For example, if you used lower bot caps, tweaked some presets to spawn bots closer to you, etc, you can save a lot on frames. The despawn and hard cap options also help in this regard.

      I like long raids (60 min+), will these spawns work for me?

      Yes - SWAG + Donuts spawns go on forever, raid time is irrelevant.

      REMINDER - THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS - I'm always open for improvements, please give me feedback in the comments or find me in the SPT Discord!

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      • Dec 3rd 2022

        Props added a new version:


        SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points 1.0.1

        SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points - SPT Mods Workshop (9)

        1. Fix the config to include bossChance : use an extremely low value here like 2 percent.. lower than 5 percent. i had like 3 killas in factory at 5 percent.
        2. Fix logic so that bossChance is actually at wave level (not at a level above that).
        3. Fixed readme for incorrect instructions about how to use multiple botCount.
        4. Tried to balance the ai amount config setting. Horde mode multiplied generated bots by 6... was way too lit.



        1. Fix the config to include bossChance : use an extemely low value here like 2 percent.. lower than 5 percent. i had like 3 killas in factory at 5 percent.
        2. Fix logic so that bossChance is actually at wave level (not at a level above that).
        3. Fixed readme for incorrect instructions about how to use multiple botCount.
        4. Tried to balance the ai amount config setting. Horde mode multiplied generated bots by 6... was way too lit.

        Props added a new version:


        SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points 1.1.0

        SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points - SPT Mods Workshop (11)

        1. Added ability so that if patterns have the same name (doesn't matter what case - lower or upper just same name) in the different patternconfigs (pmc, boss, scav) , they will spawn at the same wave_min and wave_max time if it is randomly selected.
        2. Added debug option in config so you can turn off the console log text.

        Keep in mind that if you do this feature with bosses, you might be fcked with a lot of bosses since it will now spawn a boss wave for each match in scav or pmc. You should have a…



        1. Added ability so that if patterns have the same name (doesn't matter what case - lower or upper just same name), they will spawn at the same wave_min and wave_max time.
        2. Added debug option in config so you can turn off the console log text.

        Keep in mind that if you do this feature with bosses, you might be fcked with a lot of bosses since it will now spawn a boss wave for each match in scav or pmc. You should have a large variety of patterns before you try this.

        Thanks to adudewithbadaim who requested and tested the feature for me...he might be working on something.

        • Dec 10th 2022

          Props added a new version:


          SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points 1.1.1

          SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points - SPT Mods Workshop (13)

          1. Update so that it doesn't matter where you mix and match types in different files (pmc, scav, boss).

          Some of you guys are unorganized deviants and want to put pmcs in the bossconfig.. ok.
          So if you put a pmc type in boss, it will still read it correctly so it be like fool proof.. except for my sh*t coding.



          1. Update so that it doesn't matter where if you mix and match types in different files (pmc, scav, boss).

          Some of you guys are unorganized deviants and want to put pmcs in the bossconfig.. ok.

          So if you put a pmc type in boss, it will still read it correctly so it be like fool proof.. except for my sh*t coding.

          • Dec 12th 2022

            Props added a new version:


            SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points 1.1.2

            SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points - SPT Mods Workshop (15)

            For Spt 3.3.0 +

            1. Fixed count as it it was counting the number of bot types you had in the pattern instead of the botCount # for the max num of bots. sh*tty copy pasta
            2. Added config option to use a single pattern file on a map (randomsolo whatever in config).. that means if you put only bosses in bosspattern then that's all the waves would be in the raid if it was selected. next raid it could be only whatever in pmcspattern.
            3. You must keep using pmcbot. using sptbear or sptusec seems to cause



            1. Fixed count as it it was counting the number of bot types you had in the pattern instead of the botCount # for the max num of bots. sh*tty copy pasta
            2. Added config option to use a single pattern file on a map (randomsolo whatever in config).. that means if you put only bosses in bosspattern then that's all the waves would be in the raid if it was selected. next raid it could be only whatever in pmcspattern.
            3. Use the sptbear or sptusec for pmcs. this will also assign the random AI. I forgot pmcbot was not used anymore.
            • Dec 21st 2022

              Props added a new version:


              SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points 1.2.0

              SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points - SPT Mods Workshop (17)

              1. Simplified the pattern config for coding purposes so its one giant array of objects instead of curly braces first. Sorry boys you will have to re-update if you had any patterns before.
              2. Added the ability set specific times by setting a time_min and time_max and setting the SpecificTime flag in the config.
              3. Added the ability to spawn bosses with actual escorts. It has a separate format so please follow the example given in bosses. - note thats one pattern.
              4. Updated for 3.4.0 SPT-AKI. do not use



              1. Simplified the pattern config for coding purposes so its one giant array of objects instead of curly braces first. Sorry boys you will have to re-update if you had any patterns before.
              2. Added the ability set specific times by setting a time_min and time_max and setting the SpecificTime flag in the config.
              3. Added the ability to spawn bosses with actual escorts. It has a separate format so please follow the example given in bosses. - note thats one pattern.
              4. Updated for 3.4.0 SPT-AKI. do not use pmcbot anymore now that you have sptusec and sptbear.
              • Dec 28th 2022

                Props added a new version:


                SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points 1.2.1

                SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points - SPT Mods Workshop (19)

                1. Fixed issue with bosses not assigned a zone. only used open zones... i will go back and look at using other zones again later. i had removed that feature because it was driving me mad finding a bug.
                2. Fixed issue with difficulty not assigned correctly to bosses.
                3. Fixed issue with supports. You can mix and match these i think, just follow the format given in the example.
                4. DO NOT USE ASSAULTGROUP. it causes an error for some reason.
                5. Fixed the wave timing. For example waves used to just be



                1. Fixed issue with bosses not assigned a zone. only used open zones... i will go back and look at using other zones again later. i had removed that feature because it was driving me mad finding a bug.
                2. Fixed issue with difficulty not assigned correctly to bosses.
                3. Fixed issue with supports. You can mix and match these i think, just follow the format given in the example.
                4. DO NOT USE ASSAULTGROUP. it causes an error for some reason.
                5. Fixed the wave timing. For example waves used to just be multiples so a wave could start in the middle of the wave before it. No longer. The wavemaxtime you set is added to the wavemintime for the next wave


                wave 1: wavemintime of 60 seconds and wavemaxtime of 300 seconds.

                wave 2: auto generated wavemintime of 360 seconds to 600 seconds.

                wave 3 auto generated wavemintime of 660 seconds to 960 seconds.

                • Feb 12th 2023

                  Props added a new version:


                  SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points 1.3.1

                  SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points - SPT Mods Workshop (21)

                  SPT 3.5.0 Release

                  (should also contain pmcbot fix) thanks ms elle



                  SPT 3.5.0 Release

                  (should also contain pmcbot fix) thanks ms elle

                  • Feb 17th 2023

                    Props added a new version:


                    SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points 1.3.2

                    SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points - SPT Mods Workshop (23)

                    1. Added support to skip other waves (PMC & SCAV) if a boss wave is generated. Use the skipOtherWavesIfBossWaveSelected in the config.
                    2. Reordered so Boss Waves are generated first to support 1.

                    Remember, booleans (true , false) should be the word directly and not in ""



                    1. Added support to skip other waves (PMC & SCAV) if a boss wave is generated. Use the skipOtherWavesIfBossWaveSelected in the config.
                    2. Reordered so Boss Waves are generated first to support 1.

                    Remember, booleans (true , false) should be the word directly and not in ""

                    • Mar 6th 2023

                      Props added a new version:


                      SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points 1.4.0

                      SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points - SPT Mods Workshop (25)

                      SWAG now includes the following features (READ THE README):

                      1. Bots may be grouped together to spawn and settings may be defined that affect the whole group.
                        • Spawn Time (min and max)
                        • Specify if the Whole Group Randomly Spawns (won't be same time obviously)
                        • Specify if the Whole Group is only allowed to spawn once in a Random Pick (If RandomTimeSpawn is set to true)
                        • Specify a BotZone (OpenZone) that the whole group will spawn in.
                      2. Boss spawns stay the same format. The only new edition is assigning



                      SWAG now includes the following features (READ THE README):

                      1. Bots may be grouped together to spawn and settings may be defined that affect the whole group.

                        • Spawn Time (min and max)
                        • Specify if the Whole Group Randomly Spawns (won't be same time obviously)
                        • Specify if the Whole Group is only allowed to spawn once in a Random Pick (If RandomTimeSpawn is set to true)
                        • Specify a BotZone (OpenZone) that the whole group will spawn in.
                      2. Boss spawns stay the same format. The only new edition is assigning a BossZone (OpenZone)

                      3. Ability to define Maps in which the patterns take effect (specific map names or all)

                        valid maps or options for this MapName are:

                        • all
                        • bigmap
                        • factory4_day
                        • factory4_night
                        • interchange
                        • laboratory
                        • lighthouse
                        • rezervbase
                        • shoreline
                        • tarkovstreets
                        • woods
                      4. Create as many pattern files with as many names as you want as long as you follow the template format.

                        • This will give you the freedom to organize your spawns however you like or even
                          define map specific versions if you want.

                      Special shout out to Skwizzy! who dealt with my bs code, cleaned it up, and added features as well. Thanks so much.

                      note: i deleted the previous version by accident. whoops

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                      • Mar 6th 2023

                        Props added a new version:


                        SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points 1.4.1

                        SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points - SPT Mods Workshop (27)

                        1. Fixed README for all openzones.
                        2. Fixed openzones to grab from all spawn points in a location file.
                        3. Fixed wavetimer for not resetting each new map. Fix the iterative time span logic as well.

                        IF FOR SOME REASON ( I DON"T KNOW) It seems like SWAG doesn't work right on the 2nd raid - all 94 of you who downloaded this earlier.. then redownload this zip



                        1. Fixed README for all openzones.
                        2. Fixed openzones to grab from all spawn points in a location file.
                        3. Fixed wavetimer for not resetting each new map. Fix the iterative time span logic as well.
                        • Mar 7th 2023

                          Props added a new version:


                          SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points 1.4.2

                          SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points - SPT Mods Workshop (29)

                          1. Fixed an issue with the maps being read wrong if the value 'all' was used for mapName (it was working before dammit).
                          2. Added additional safety checks in case no openzones were ever found.



                          1. Fixed an issue with the maps being read wrong if the value 'all' was used for mapName (it was working before dammit).
                          2. Added additional safety checks in case no openzones were ever found.
                          • Mar 24th 2023

                            Props added a new version:


                            SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points 1.4.3

                            SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points - SPT Mods Workshop (31)

                            1. Updated to fix bug where 1st raid didn't really have extra spawn changes
                            2. Before it did not fill in wave spots if it failed for some reason (not enough random bots to pick from.. etc).. now it does unless you do not have enough bots.
                            3. Updated to grab all groups from all pattern files before making random selections.. that means more random choices per map. Before it grabbed per file per map and then incremented the timer which i think is not truly random.
                            4. Allow multiple botzones or bosszones to



                            1. Updated to fix bug where 1st raid didn't really have extra spawn changes
                            2. Before it did not fill in wave spots if it failed for some reason (not enough random bots to pick from.. etc).. now it does unless you do not have enough bots.
                            3. Updated to grab all groups from all pattern files before making random selections.. that means more random choices per map. Before it grabbed per file per map and then incremented the timer which i think is not truly random.
                            4. Allow multiple botzones or bosszones to be defined for a group.. just use commas inbetween the names like "ZoneFactory, Botzone, ZoneBridge". Just remember it still needs to match the map.

                            Note: Also if you choose all as an option and specify a wrong botzone, it probably won't spawn. so if you use the all map option, just leave the botzone empty and SWAG will pick a random one for you in the map.

                            • Mar 27th 2023

                              Props added a new version:


                              SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points 1.4.4

                              SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points - SPT Mods Workshop (33)

                              Fix for the first raid issue (thanks DrakiaXYZ for the fix).
                              I overlooked the easiest thing lol.



                              Fix for the first raid issue (thanks DrakiaXYZ for the fix).

                              I overlooked the easiest thing lol.

                              • Mar 29th 2023

                                Is this where we write support questions?

                                I changed the settings to this


                                "aiDifficulty": "normal",

                                "aiAmount": "asonline",

                                "RandomWaveCount": 7,

                                "BossWaveCount": 1,

                                "BossChance": 0,

                                "SkipOtherBossWavesIfBossWaveSelected": false,

                                "GlobalRandomWaveTimer": {

                                "WaveTimerMinSec": 200,

                                "WaveTimerMaxSec": 360


                                "MaxBotCap": {

                                "factory": 30,

                                "customs": 30,

                                "woods": 30,

                                "shoreline": 30,

                                "lighthouse": 30,

                                "reservebase": 30,

                                "interchange": 30,

                                "laboratory": 30,

                                "tarkovstreets": 30


                                "MaxBotPerZone": 8,

                                "UseDefaultSpawns": {

                                "Waves": true,

                                "Bosses": true,

                                "TriggeredWaves": true


                                "DebugOutput": true


                                I also deleted all patterns accept for Example Pattern, and set all the
                                "MaxBotCount": 5
                                "OnlySpawnOnce": false,

                                and in ClassDef.ts I changed the amount to this.

                                export const aiAmountProper = {

                                low: 4,

                                asonline: 4,

                                medium: 4,

                                high: 4,

                                horde: 4,


                                But it does not feel like I am getting multiple waves of 5 bots every wave.
                                The first wave is massive but then it tapers off and I just have like 1 or 2 bots per wave.
                                And by that time the friendly bots outnumber the hostile bots so even when a hostile spawns, by the time I get there, the firefight is finished.

                                This was mainly tested on Factory Day.

                                • Mar 30th 2023

                                  it will pick a random number between one - five for the botcount.. if you want a guaranteed 5 bots, then yo u have to list the bot 5r times in the group.

                                  • Mar 31st 2023

                                    Quote from Props

                                    it will pick a random number between one - five for the botcount.. if you want a guaranteed 5 bots, then yo u have to list the bot 5r times in the group.

                                    Like this?

                                    "MapName": "all",

                                    "MapGroups": [


                                    "Name": "Group1",

                                    "Bots": [


                                    "BotType": "assault",

                                    "MaxBotCount": 1



                                    "BotType": "assault",

                                    "MaxBotCount": 1



                                    "BotType": "assault",

                                    "MaxBotCount": 1



                                    "BotType": "assault",

                                    "MaxBotCount": 1



                                    "BotType": "assault",

                                    "MaxBotCount": 1



                                    "Time_min": 10,

                                    "Time_max": 20,

                                    "RandomTimeSpawn": true,

                                    "OnlySpawnOnce": false,

                                    "BotZone": null


                                    • Mar 31st 2023

                                      Yes exactly like that

                                    • chomp

                                      Changed the title of the thread from “Simple Wave AI Generator (SWAG)” to “SWAG (Simple Wave AI Generator )”.

                                    • nooky

                                      Changed the title of the thread from “SWAG (Simple Wave AI Generator )” to “SWAG (Simple Wave AI Generator)”.

                                      • Jun 26th 2023

                                        nooky added a new version:


                                        SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points 2.0.0

                                        SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points - SPT Mods Workshop (38)

                                        SWAG 2.0
                                        SWAG + Nooky's Presets are now combined into one mod, SWAG 2.0.

                                        What does this mean? What's different?
                                        SWAG 2.0 is SWAG with the latest Nooky's presets - all further updates to SWAG will be made here going forward. The mod page for Nooky's presets will no longer be updated since it is now officially part of SWAG now and in the future.

                                        Use the included patterns as examples if you want to modify your own spawns. Otherwise, just install and play!

                                        NEW: Bloodhounds (SPT 3.5.8 ONLY)



                                        SWAG 2.0

                                        SWAG + Nooky's Presets are now combined into one mod, SWAG 2.0.

                                        What does this mean? What's different?

                                        SWAG 2.0 is SWAG with the latest Nooky's presets - all further updates to SWAG will be made here going forward. The mod page for Nooky's presets will no longer be updated since it is now officially part of SWAG now and in the future.

                                        Use the included patterns as examples if you want to modify your own spawns. Otherwise, just install and play!

                                        NEW: Bloodhounds (SPT 3.5.8 ONLY)

                                        Bloodhounds have been added to Woods, Shoreline and Customs. Spawn chance is configurable in the SWAG config. Default is 25.

                                        IMPORTANT: IF YOU ARE STILL ON 3.5.7 - delete each bloodhound pattern from the patterns folder and delete bloodhounds from the SWAG config. Everything else is compatible.

                                        NEW: MaxBotPerZone, per map

                                        "MaxBotPerZone" is now configurable per map, this value determines how many bots can spawn in a zone.

                                        Other Changes:
                                        scavSpawnWeight now affects ALL SCAV waves

                                        Previously, scavSpawnWeight would only affect SCAV waves OTHER THAN THE FIRST WAVE. Going forward, scavSpawnWeight will affect all SCAV waves.

                                        Previous behavior:

                                        1st SCAV wave: all SCAVs would spawn in every zone

                                        2nd and beyond SCAV wave: checks spawn weight, some waves might be skipped

                                        New behavior:

                                        1st SCAV wave: checks spawn weight, some waves might be skipped

                                        This helps reduce the amount of way too early fire fights between PMCs and SCAVs which allows PMCs to roam/loot much more in the early game (see recommended AI mods to enhance bot movement).

                                        Adjusted all starting PMC spawn timings

                                        I have found that there are cases where some PMC spawns may take priority over other bot types, such as snipers, raiders, rogues, even named bosses in rare cases (i.e. custom bosses). To combat this behavior, I've shifted all starting PMC spawns to 5s, instead of -1 (immediate). This allows for all other bot types to spawn first (as they should like they do in live) so that there aren't any snipers "missing" or similar.

                                        Lighthouse Rogue adjustments

                                        Rogue spawns should be much more consistent now - more Rogues should show up on roof tops more often and at the front of WTP

                                        Labs adjustments

                                        Raider waves have been removed (no random Raiders showing up anymore); PMC waves have been adjusted. Labs shouldn't be so nuts anymore, hopefully

                                        To Install:

                                        1. Back up any personal custom configs
                                        2. Delete your SWAG folder
                                        3. Download the mod .zip, extract to your user/mods folder
                                        4. play the game

                                        As always, report any issues in the comments, support thread and/or reach out to me on the SPT discord.

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                                        • Jun 28th 2023

                                          nooky added a new version:


                                          SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points 2.0.1

                                          SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points - SPT Mods Workshop (40)

                                          HOTFIX - ONLY AFFECTS THOSE WHO USE pmcWaves: false

                                          - Fixed a bit of logic that was preventing starting PMCs from spawning properly when pmcWaves: false

                                          Also - moved folders around so now you can unzip directly to your SPT folder.



                                          HOTFIX - ONLY AFFECTS THOSE WHO USE pmcWaves: false

                                          - Fixed a bit of logic that was preventing starting PMCs from spawning properly when pmcWaves: false

                                          Also - moved folders around so now you can unzip directly to your SPT folder.

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                                        SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points - SPT Mods Workshop (2024)
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                                        Article information

                                        Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

                                        Last Updated:

                                        Views: 5863

                                        Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

                                        Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

                                        Author information

                                        Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

                                        Birthday: 1993-07-01

                                        Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

                                        Phone: +22014484519944

                                        Job: Banking Officer

                                        Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

                                        Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.